Please write for May 2023 Issue of CAD Dream by May 12 to

Hey, be part of the exciting vibrant Writing and Reading Community Please enjoy Yr 13 No 04, April 2023 issue of Canadian Dream with readership...

CBET AGM: Sunday June 11, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm and talk by Dr...

Please join us on Sunday June 11, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm for the annual CBET AGM. It will be a parents and children talk by...

CBET Summer Job Openings, please apply to with resume and cover letter by...

Full time students, age 18 to 30, Canadin citizens or permanent residents. Working hours at home with own laptop, Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to...

Donate to CBET for Needy & Orphans Education – Change a Life

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As Salamu Alykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu. Allah SWT commands us in Surah Al-Ma ’un: "Have you seen him who denies...

Accountability, Dr Emdad Khan

Accountability, Dr Emdad Khan Accountability is a must for success in this life and life hereafter for individual, community, organization, masjid, and hospital Let us see...

Thank you for your donations, please continue supporting CBET

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As Salamu Alykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu. Allah SWT commands us in Surah Al-Ma ’un: "Have you seen him who denies...

Eid: A time of great joy as well as sadness, by S N Smith

Eid: A time of great joy as well as sadness   By S N Smith  April 21, 2023   To Muslims everywhere who are reading this, I wish you all...

Fasting and Mental Health: 8 Secrets to Making the Most of Ramadan

Fasting and Mental Health: 8 Secrets to Making the Most of Ramadan By Islamic Relief Canada It’s important to discuss Ramadan fasting and mental health and...