2024 CBET Renewal Scholarships: Only existing scholarship holders – 2nd, 3rd and 4th year

Renewals Start Date: April 20th End date: May 20th This year, you can apply for the scholarship online at https://www.cbet.ca/scholarship/ 2024 CBET University Scholarship Renewal Form

CBET Summer Job Openings, please apply to info@CBET.ca with resume and cover letter by...

Full time students, age 18 to 30, Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Working hours at home with own laptop, Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm,...

Donate to CBET for Needy & Orphans Education – Change a Life

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As Salamu Alykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu. Allah SWT commands us in Surah Al-Ma ’un: "Have you seen him who denies...

On hurting those closest to us and correcting that hurt, by S N Smith

On hurting those closest to us and correcting that hurt, by S N Smith It is a sad reality but the people closest to us,...

When will the help of Allah swt Come? By Dr Emdad Khan

When will the help of Allah swt Come? By Dr Emdad Khan In Surah Baqarah Ayah 2.214 Allah swt says His help is near in...

Last 10 Days of Ramadan: Opportunity to support CBET Orphans & Needy

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah, We all know that during Ramadan, Allah SWT will multiply our charity and ibada by 70 times. One of the odd nights...

Thank you for Attending & Donations for Iftar Dinner

To all those who joined us for the annual CBET Courtesy Iftar Dinner, we would like to thank you for coming as well for...

Please write for April 2024 Issue of CAD Dream by April 19 to info@cbet.ca

Hey, be part of the exciting vibrant Writing and Reading Community Please enjoy Yr 14 No 3, March 2024 issue of Canadian Dream with readership...

Zikr and Peace in Heart, Dr Emdad Khan

Zikr and Peace in Heart, Dr Emdad Khan Allah swt declares in Surah Hud ayat 28, how to get peace of mind or peace in...

Last 10 Days of Ramadan: Opportunity to support CBET Orphans & Needy

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah, We all know that during Ramadan, Allah SWT will multiply our charity and ibada by 70 times. One of the odd nights...